Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Babies & Toddlers

I delivered my baby gift, and saw a newborn baby boy yesterday. We attempted to sit and chat for a bit, but Loverbaby decided he wanted to have a meltdown in their living room. Yeah, just what new mom needed to see a tantrum, she is now wondering what the hell she got herself into. I tried to make her feel better by telling her that Loverbaby was so good as a baby and then I realized what I had just said. Dammit. We left. Now she probably thinks that all good babies turn into jerky toddlers. I'm going to call her and tell her nope, it's just mine.

Did I mention that Loverboy cut the boys hair on Sunday? Loverbaby looks like he did as a baby...he has that bald patch look going on, yeah I'm afraid to take him out in public. Loverkid not too bad, but he is going to have to wait a few weeks to get pictures done.

Babble, that's all I got today people. I'll be back later with something more blog worthy.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Snowbirds & Well Oiled Machines

This Colorado weather is killing me, and it's getting old. I need Arizona right now, I need 70 degrees, I need to be hot. I love finding blogs where the blog owner resides in Arizona. I stalk them, I pretend that I am there enjoying the beautiful Arizona weather at this time of year. The snowbirds have the right idea, they flock their asses to Arizona every year this time and wreak havoc in our beautiful state. I need to be a snowbird.

I am happy to announce that this household is well on it's way to running like a well oiled machine. Why? We set schedules, and made a chore list. We never had a chore list, mostly my fault. I just felt that since I was home, it was my job to do all of the work around here. It wasn't working. We started our schedules yesterday and I feel good. The girls have done their chores, and they love that they have schedules. So, from now on "Happy Posts".....haha who am I kidding? I still need to bitch once in a while...especially when I come across wenches at Target.

Please let him sleep like

Monday, January 29, 2007

Open Letter to Bitch at Target

Fuck you. You are supposed to be nice and not be a complete jackass.

Some crabby bitch ruined my night....well almost, I was shopping my little heart away because we were shopping for a baby! A baby was born at Loverboy's work, so off we went to my other Love "Target". The snooty cash register chick felt like being an asshole tonight, yes my children are shitheads and turn a simple trip to Target into hell...but that's her fucking job! She's supposed to be nice and smile and pretend she's happy to check my shit out. She even crushed my beautiful gift bag, the gift bag is like the icing on the cake, you can't fuck with the gift bag. I had to ask her to please not crush my bag and place it in a separate bag. Then she tries to not even put my new stainless steel breadbox in a bag! That hooker.

Well, my camera is still missing and I am devestated, completely. But, ya know? I think I need a new one anyhow. A canon, I hear those are really good. Hint. Hint. Loverboy.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Shake it

I love this video. I laugh my ass off everytime I watch it.

Monday, January 22, 2007

School sucks ass

So, why do I wanna go back? Hmmmmm.....

Maybe just so I don't feel so damn stupid sometimes. I did this stupid, meaningless quiz the other day while I was roaming aimlessly on the web...and I couldn't remember who wrote "The Communist Manifesto", yes a meaningless piece of information, but nonetheless I didn't know! Arghhhh, I should have know that! So, yes I am returning to school, I can finish. I should be done now, but I have Lover boy taking care of me so I have been pretty blase about finishing.

I registered today! AHHHHHH!!! I'm going to start with some online stuff that I have to get out of the way and then move on to the hard junk. I want to finish mostly because my in-laws are assholes and they swore when I had Loverbaby I'd never finish, because there wasn't a reason to. So, I am on my way to finish. I know I don't have to prove shit to anyone. But, I'd like to prove it to me.

P.S. It was karl Marx who wrote it. You'd think I'd remember that being a Sociology major and all.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

So, I think I'll be fine.

I was thinking about him getting deployed again, he's pretty sure it's going to happen. I am just kinda pissed, I mean come on give him a year, he wont even be home a year before he deploys again to that shit hole. This last deployment I vowed I would stay in Colorado for the duration of the deployment, didn't happen. My emotions got the best of me and I packed the kids up, our shit and stayed with my sister. We kept our house here in Colorado, but I just couldn't do it, it was rough. I was 3 months post-partum and feeling very hormonal and emo. I am thankful I have such strong family support, my sister stepped up and helped in every way imaginable, she is so strong. I think she needed to be because I was a wreck.

I have friends now, really good ones. Keepers. During the last deployment I had no friends, not one. I had acquaintances, not "real" friends. I think I will be fine. I think it's gonna kill me every time he misses a "moment" and I'll wish he was here to share it with me, I guess that's the worse part for me, that he has to miss anything.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My camera is still lost. I think it's gone for good, or shoved in a crevice somewhere in the house. I think Loverkid took it and hid it. Maybe he's tired of me taking pictures of him and posting them on my blog so we can get a laugh out of his Jerky Boy ass. I am actually quite bummed that it's missing.....

Being in the Army really stinks sometimes. My friends move, we all move alot. Some of them are moving and it sucks. I know, I know, it's Army life, but I am seriously thinking of telling Loverboy maybe Army life isn't for us? I am tired. I don't want him to leave again. I'm not sure how I managed to keep four kids alive and stay sane while he was gone last year. Ok, so yeah I'm not sane. But, the kids are still alive.....

Monday, January 15, 2007

Apparently I am related to a fucking princess....

So, my Aunt calls me this weekend, it starts off like this "Hi mija! How are you?" blah, blah, blah....And, then she proceeds to invite me to my cousins wedding. The cousin that told me I was going to hell a few years ago. So, let me tell you about her we'll call her "Tori". Tori decided to go to school at a private religious university because it was better for her, because at a regular university there would be temptation and boys might try to get in her panties and shit like that. So, now she's all "You're going to hell bitches!". well, back to my story.. So, my Aunt tells me the wedding is in Washington and she's getting married in a castle, and no kids allowed. Ummmmm hello? Why are you calling me? You know I have four children. She proceeds to tell me how much my cousin wants me there, and I say...."Oh, ok Loverboy and I will get a nanny for the kids and fly out to your little ingrates wedding". That is what I should have said. But, I held my tongue and said I'd talk to Loverboy, and I'd let her know. Pshhh...whatever, my ass is going to the Dollar Tree to get her gift, and calling to send my regrets.

Anywho, it's her wedding whatever. No kids, cool. I just grew up differently, a wedding was a family experience. The more people the better it was. She's different though, she didn't grow up around family. In our entire family there has never been a wedding with a no kid rule. I know it's normal in other families, just not ours.

So, I have decided not to go. I'm gonna save the trip on a cousin I like.

Friday, January 12, 2007

National Delurking Week

Yes, I am a blog stalker. I love to stalk. Loverboy would say I need to go to BA, Bloggers Annonymous, because yes I have issues. And, since it is "National Delurking Week" I have come out. I am no longer a lurker and leave comments!!

So, I know that I am rarely stalked. But, if you ever visit. Say HI! :)

Happy Birthday Miss RiahBear!

Eight years ago today I was all stinking wet! In a neon. Little Miss RiahBear couldn't wait to get her ass out of me, she busted out breaking my water. She was the only one who did it too, of all the other munchkins. It's hard to believe she is eight! Happy Birthday to my little bear, and I hope you have a great day!

I am off to deliver 27 cupcakes and juice boxes to a classroom full of 2ND graders this afternoon, wish me luck.

*Oh, and did I mention the scene of said birthday party for her is Chucky Cheese?! I will hold my tongue because it's her BURFDAY! But, I am so not cool with Chucky Cheese. See? Evidence I love my stinking kid!

My camera is lost. Shit. I now have to search my hard drive for some pictures so I can play SPF. I have recently become obsessed with SPF...Thanks to her! TKW

1. A Houseplant- No such things exist in my house (no real ones), so I posted a picture of my dried flower wreath! It's kind of a plant. Yeah, it's better if it comes into my casa dead because that is how it's gonna leave!

2.Something you secretly enjoy but bitch about anyway- Loverboy's Leather lazy boy, I hate it. It doesn't go, it's right in the middle of the room, I hate leather. However, every opportunity my fat ass gets I sit in it. I love the damn chair, I don't know where I'd sit if it weren't there. It's just so damn comfortable. I don't know what I would do if he actually said yes the next time I try to throw it out!

3. Something Disgusting- REX is disgusting. He's my sister's Bearded Dragon, wait! No, he belongs to my mother now. Anyhow, he is gross. He is ugly, and stinky, and all he does it eat and shit. Oh, and he carries salmonella. Well, I'm not sure if he does personally, but reptiles do! So, yeah Rex is gross.

Play SPF, it's fun! Come on Krissi I know you want to!! ;)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My fat ass isn't ready.

So, we now have our gym set up. And the fucking elliptical has sat there, and my fat ass still has yet to get up there and do it. I know, I know. I am going to, it's just so much easier to sit on my ass. Anywho...I am going to use that wretched, ass buster tomorrow if it kills me. Seriously, I am.

Today sucked ass, I had to take Loverboy to his follow-up PRK appointment, and I guess his vision is almost fucking perfect. I want PRK!! Well, I guess that is one of the Army's perks, they'll fix your eyesight for free so they can send your ass to Iraq to make sure you have a clear shot....nice of them. Asshats.

My camera is missing. I can't take pictures. I am so totally bummed. In case you don't read my blog regularly I love to take pictures of random shit. Anything. Yes, I am that lame....LAME-O. I don't care, I like pictures of shit. Now, don't go sending me pictures of shit, I meant that in the non-shittiest way!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My eyes are burning!

Not my eyes, Loverboy's eyes. He had the PRK procedure done today, where they take that nice little brush and scrape your cornea off. Yeah, fun, fun, fun! He has been a trooper though, and he's almost feeling decent. Thank goodness for that darn percoset!! We went over to the Air Force Academy today because that's where he had it done, and geez that place is beautiful! It was covered in snow because of the weather, it was really nice. If you ever happen to use the hospital at the Air Force Academy "DO NOT EAT IN THE CAFETERIA!!" Don't do it. Loverbaby wouldn't even eat it! And, that Turd Builder eats anything! Well, almost.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Baby Hugs

From the moment this kid was born he was perfect. He was so good when we brought him home from the hospital we thought something was wrong with him! Seriously, my pregnancy with this kid was easy, his birth was cake, and his first year was the best. He is our last baby, Loverboy was sweet enough to ensure that we have no more babies. Loverbaby was the last, sometimes it makes me a bit sad.....but then I come to my senses. Four children with a husband in the Army, I don't think so. WE have our plates full.

I have friends that are pregnant, I am elated for them. So, after my Loverbaby no longer looks like a baby and enters into Toddlerhood, it makes me feel better that I will have tiny babies to hold when I get the itch. Loverbaby is becoming more independent everyday, I'm still gonna force the hugs on him every chance I get.

Did I mention LoverBaby gives the best hugs? He really does.

He's So Yummy......

It's been forever since I have been to see a movie that didn't have animated crap in it, or wasn't put out by Disney. I am happy to report that my dry spell is over! I went to see Children of Men, and it was superb! I loved it. I loved Clive Owen in it, he was brilliant, he has always been brilliant. It was a very serious and disturbing flick. It was about a world without children, none. Women were infertile, and a baby hadn't been born in like 18 years, it was nuts. It was a movie about humanity, and a common goal. It was sad. But, it is a must see.

Ahhh.....Humanity. We are all people right? So, I must ask. A question was asked on a message board I belong to. Here it is:

"Should we care if people are starving in other countries or should we worry about the people in our own country first?"

I was a bit disturbed at the responses. People didn't care. I don't get it. People are people, and they are hungry. It was sad, and I was disappointed. I don't know, am I wrong for sensing some sort of responsibility?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Garbage man hates me

He came...I was so HAPPY! He took some of my trash, I just looked out the window and my "actual" trash can is still full! WTH?!! Probably because he hates me. I always have tons of trash. Most of the time it isn't really trash, it's stuff I am too lazy to either post on Freecycle or haul over to the thrift store. I am a maniac on "Trash Day" I go around the house going through closets and drawers looking for crap to get rid of. Funny too...I just made a friend and she's the same way, we're both a little nuts about Trash Day.

Oh, BTW- Why is President Bush Sr's hip replacement surgery newsworthy? Seriously, I have nothing against the guy...well if you count his offspring as things to hold against him I guess I do. Bleh...verbal diarrhea again. Anywho...who gives a shit about his surgery? It was on the 9:00 p.m. news last night, and it wasn't even FOX! It was a reputable news channel!

I am calling bullshit on Colorado, how can we go from a clear day like yesterday which was like 59 degrees to blizzard like conditions like today?! Arghhh....

Guess who's napping? Loverbaby and Loverkid!! YAY!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sounded like "Hi" To Me

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See, I told you he was a genius!

I'm a lucky girl...

No more pissing and moaning outta me. I promise.

Breathing Room, I needed some.

They went back to school, the girls. WE needed it, not only myself but I think they were itching to go back to school. RiahBear thought that she was going back to school as a 3rd grader, I had to keep telling her over winter break she was still a 2nd grader. She was relieved, she said she wasn't ready for the 3rd grade, my crazy kid. AshleyBear was itching to back because Santa gave her some uber cool Pokemon cards that she is dying to go to the bus stop and trade. Trading Pokemon cards isn't allowed at school, so all the little weirdos meet early before the bus and trade. Did I mention I really, really, don't LIKE Pokemon cards?

LoveKid and Loverbaby sleep in the same room, Loverkid in his bed and Loverbaby in his crib. This morning I walked in there and guess what? They were both sleeping together. Loverkid climbed into the crib. It was so cute, moments like those are what I needed today. They remind me that what I do everyday isn't all that bad. I love watching them grow everday...even if they are little turds.

I am off to lunch with a friend today, because she is jetting of to Hawaii tomorrow! Arghhh.....I think I am going to sneak into her luggage!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Please get better

And, I am talking about 2007 and myself I guess. After the holidays I get a little "depressed"?!! Yeah, I feel like the world is caving in on me...I question my purpose in life, and all that jazz. Yes, I am a crazy bitch...just in case you were wondering. OK, not really. Blah... I will come out of this slump. The girls go back to school tomorrow, that will give me some breathing room. Well LoverKid decided he wants to rock out tonight, I am off to attempt to put his crabby little ass to bed.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Riding Dirty

Yes, my little mongrols were riding dirty in their Cadillac Escalade, Loverbaby liked it more than Loverkid. The little turd wouldn't even get on at first! Loverbaby loved it so much...he wouldn't get off! They are both too young to drive the darn thing, so AshleyBEar drove them around. Poor kid actually fell asleep in it.

Me, Me, Me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Originally from Arizona..dying to get back! Oldest of three daughters... I am a Domestic Engineer aka Mommy. Things get crazy and chaotic especially with him gone all the time...and this is my refuge. I love being home with my brood. Don't mind my complaining, it's temporary...I wouldn't have it any other way! When the spawn I call my children leave my nest, I plan on retuning to the social work field, and non-profit work.

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