Thursday, June 28, 2007

Camping is cool.....NOT. (Like Borat)

I really like this picture, I think I am going to have it framed and put it in Devon's room. Because he is that jerk. Really. My son needs to learn to play nice. Fucking boys. Ughhhh.

Camping is so not cool when your uninvited Aunt comes to visit. I hate that bitch. I hate her. I don't even need her anymore, I am having no more babies. Ughhh. I demanded our campgound have bathrooms and showers and it will we shall see how it goes.

On another note Kimbo advised me that if I had my uterus removed that would be some weight loss. Isn't it sad that I would rather have body parts removed than put the Krispy Kreme down? Bleh.

I need my kids to go back to school. Now. And, I was going to be a teacher? NOT.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Poop...I mean I feel like poop.

I can't sleep. It has been weeks people. I have not had a good nights worth of shut eye, so if I am commenting your blog at 3am, please shoot me an email and tell me to go the fuck to sleep. Puhlease? Thanks =)

I think I should start taking some Tylenol PM or something. I just can't hang anymore.

So, the man comes home on Friday, I can't wait. He called me a bit ago and they have totally and completely have run out of things to do, he is just now waiting to get on his flight Thursday night. At the rate things are going over there, realistically he probably wont be here until Saturday. Boo.

I have decided I can't live without a Dyson, I HAVE to have one, I NEED it. I'm gonna try to talk the man into one...maybe I will advance my birthday and Christmas?

P.S. I tried Chocolate M&M Cookie Sandwiches today, AWESOME.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Blog Tagged

Suavecito Blog Tagged me!

One Word Answers:

Yourself: Amazing
Your Partner: Hottie
Your Hair: BLAH
Your Mother: Looney
Your Father: Absent
Your Favorite Item: Laptop
Your Dream Last Night: Unknown
Your Favorite Drink: Coke
Your Dream Car: Lexus SUV
Your Dream Home: City
The Room You Are In: Bedroom
Your Fear: Loss
You Want To Be In 10 Years: AZ
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Kids :)
Your Not: Sad
One Of Your Wishlist Items: Dyson
The Last Thing You Did: Talked
You Are Wearing: PJ's
Your Favorite Weather: Fall
Your Favorite Book: MANY!
Last Thing You Ate: Sandwich
Your life: Awesome
Your Mood: Ecstatic
Your Best Friend: Loverboy ;)
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Wednesday!
Your Car: Silver
What Are You Doing At The Moment: Typing
Relationship Status: Married
What Is On Your TV: Movie
What Is The Weather Like: Cold
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: morning

Okay Now I get to Tag 2 people:
Sarcastic Momma, Jenn

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Her smile was back, and it made my day

In my neighborhood families are always incomplete, and you can always tell. Either you recognize it by the gloomy kids, the somber mom, and the vehicle that hasn't moved in months. It's the norm here, dads are always gone. Yesterday I saw my neighbor happy and smiling for the first time in months. Her husband was home, he is deployed to Iraq right now, and lucky him he's on the extended plan. He gets to stay fifteen months. He is home on R&R and enjoying time with his family. She was smiling, I was so happy for her, I wanted to just hug her. But, we don't roll like that so I smiled back and told her to enjoy her husband.

I can't wait until we pull out of that shit hole country.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I let my guard down...

Again. I let nuts into the house. He ate them. He began to swell, he went into shock and I freaked the fuck out, called 911 and we spent the night in the ER. I can't believe I slipped and he had to go through that. Poor kid. I was afraid to use his epipen, I need to be more confident when it comes to those things. I hate allergies, I hate peanut allergies. He is fine now, sleeping, he seems to have already forgotten about his near death experience.

From now on I am the fucking peanut nazi...that shit isn't coming near my kid. This was the worst reaction by far. So, if I get on your nerves with my kid's peanut issues, tough shit. **Sigh** It was a rough night in the ER, I felt so sorry for my little guy. I hope we don't ever have to go through that again, that is wishful thinking on my part....he is only 2.

Everyone was so great though...the paramedics, the ER staff, the nurses, and the doc was awesome. Absolutely wonderful. I am sorry I doubted the staff at the hospital, they were great with Devon and saved his life tonight.

I am so tired of peanuts. Tree nuts. All nuts. I worry about when he goes to school, about other children giving him peanuts. The worries never stop. Maybe I will homeschool him? Ughhh....this is making me ill. I need to go to bed. I am just glad he is ok.

Me, Me, Me

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Colorado, United States
Originally from Arizona..dying to get back! Oldest of three daughters... I am a Domestic Engineer aka Mommy. Things get crazy and chaotic especially with him gone all the time...and this is my refuge. I love being home with my brood. Don't mind my complaining, it's temporary...I wouldn't have it any other way! When the spawn I call my children leave my nest, I plan on retuning to the social work field, and non-profit work.

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