Ok, so another so serious it warranted a trip to the ER.
Not fun. From now on I am going to be super careful about the whole peanut thing....I have been a bit laxed lately. It was pretty scary, he is still so young that he doesn't know it could kill him. The doctor said these are the most dangerous years because he doesn't know yet. I also gave him too much Benadryl I panicked and overreacted. I need to chill and just worry about my kids right now. I can't believe I did that. So, thanks to my dumbass we had to stay in the ER an extra two hours for observation because I gave him too much. Sorry Loverkid it will never happen again.
Ughhh...I hate peanuts. And, I feel like a big jerk because I have to make sure noone has peanuts at parties and get togethers. I feel like the Peanut Police. But, he's my kid, if I don't look out for him who will?
So, to everyone that has to deal with Loverkid and his allergy "I am sorry for the peanut rule".
On another note......Ashleybear had a sleepover last night, she was keeping her friend company because her dad just left for Iraq Saturday. It is so sad, we are so happy because our soldier is coming home, and hers just left. He is in our prayers.

Life is short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Honestly I seriously never paid so much attention to peanuts as I do now. But that's cool. You are our friend, he is your son, We Pay Attention. Please don't feel like the Peanut Police. We are watching out for him too. Many hugs. Sorry you had to go the ER.
Oh no lover, you should have left me an IM. What happened? Is he a sad boy now? I am sorry you are the peanut police but I will be your peanut police partner soon. I love you and miss you. Give loverkids big hugs and kisses for me.
Well I feel your pain...I think my oldest daughter is developing a peanut allergy. She has always complained that peanuts itch her tongue, but I thought she just didn't like them and was trying to get out of eating them...I know great Mom I am! Anyway about a month ago she had one of those candies with the hazelnuts in them and her throat got tight and she was really scared (ME TOO) so I think that she is developing a nut allergy. It is a very scary allergy to have. So don't worry we won't be sneaky any peanuts into anything we bring over or serve :) Look at me hoping to be able to hang with you and your wonderfully adorable kids!!
~Kelly M~
I can't wait until you guys get here so we can meet!!And get together!! :)
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