Arghhhh.....I am starting to hate them. Yes, I am not feeling the love right now....I am feeling more like a selfish wench. I just saw another Welcome Home ceremony on the news, I am tired and depressed, the only thing keeping me sane is my friends. We cleaned today and prepared for a Homecoming ceremony that will take place on Tuesday, I am so happy for you!! Well, Lego Maniacs Wife all I gotta say is......take one for the team! And, Lego Maniac you have an amazing woman on your hands! Oh, and that kid is a charmer! "He is bringing "sesi back".
I took Ashley, Mariah and Allyson & Emily to a Halloween Dance on Saturday night while J ROC'S Wife watched the boys. They had a good time, they danced, they ate. I finally had to call it quits when, well we'll call her "Shenanae" started bumping and grinding on te dance floor like she was a working girl. It was so sad, she looked like she was about 10. Shame on her, it was gross. Funny thing....this was sponsored by DARE and the Fort Carson police, and they didn't say anything.
And, I miss my sisters like crazy. Like alot, more than I thought I'd miss them, sometimes I wonder if this lifestyle....I mean the "Army Life" is worth it. I hate being away from them, and them not knowing my children better. I know, I know I am 27 years old, but still I love them. Here they are my Loversisters....I miss you guys.

Aww....I really didn't think that dance was for little kids. I am glad that they had a good time though, sorry about "Bomquiesha" gettin her freak on. I love you mamalover and we are always here for you. *hugs* and yes, the homecomings do SUCK!!! I have to go to one tonight and I am dreading it....
Sorry this "Army Life" is so hard on you.
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