What is on television at 11:37 pm? Ask me...I dare you.

Jerry Springer, and I left it on, what the hell is wrong with me? OK, I like a little bit of drama, even some ghetto drama sometimes....ON television, in movies, in magazines, and in books! That's where I like it. I had to turn that shit off it was ridiculous. Although Jerry Springer reminds me of when I gave birth to Devon. The anesthesiologist "My favorite Guy" came in and was shocked that I was watching something other than Jerry Springer, I guess all the other mamas were watching it. I should have been watching it....misery loves company right?
I ran into an old friend it was nice. Today was a good day.
JER-REE, JER-REE, JER-REE, you know you love his show! Who did you run into?
LOL!!! I do that! I even know that Jay Leno comes on again at like 2:00 or 3:00 and Conan follows that...Its sad--just like when Aiden was an infant I have the late night TV memorized...
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