I Miss Arizona
So, I am from Arizona. I love Arizona, it is where I call home, Arizona makes my heart feel good. Now, in the summer I like to call it hell, but I am used to it so it's no biggie. When Loverhusband asked me where I would prefer to be stationed all I cared about was being on the West Coast, my main concern was the kids knowing their family. Anyone who knows me knows that family is very important to me. He says we got Fort Carson, I say "YAY! We are within driving distance to go home and visit on leave" that was all I cared about at the time.
Winter is approaching in Colorado, a damn Blizzard??!! I don't like snow, I can't drive in snow, I cant go to Target in snow! I hate this. I get this damn call from Fort Carson 911, a recording "We have set up emergency shelter at CYS, please go there if your power is out". Yeah, not cool. Yeah, I am a sissy I will admit it. I was going nuts when the power was out for about 1/2 hour, I don't know how my very own "West Virginia Girlie" did it for a week! Props to you girl!
I hate the snow, but I love the look "snow" puts on their faces.

Our backyard
If we got you out there in it....I bet you would have a blast.
LOL I would never drag you out into the snow I promise.
The snow is awesome! There is so much to do! I love to play in it, skiing is so much fun, as is sledding...but I am with you on the driving--I dont do it unless extreme emergency!
I can't make any promises like Tracie, I just may drag you out in it!
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