Doesn't he know Halloween is all about ME?
I wanted a Tigger & Piglet!
He looks innocent.....he's not. He is BAD.....Real Bad. But, I got him to smile, well only after promising he could play with kitchen knives, yeah he's a thug. He'll cut you. So, we put him in this really cute costume and Loverbaby in Piglet. Loverkid up there decides to make a huge ass mess all over himself. So, he ended up this.......
Yeah....A Duck, Chick....whatever you wanna call it.We went to our shindig, we had fun. Enjoy the pics! Thanks Tracie and Georgia!!

This is my Tigger & Piglet memory...thanks guys!
We will try again on Halloween!
The boys were so cute that nite. They did really well at the shindig LOL. We all had fun.
I am so sad that I missed it. I miss you guys! Wish I could be home for Halloween. I love you guys. Those are some really cute kids. Remind me of their mom.
AWWW!!! What cuties! They should LOVE being Tigger and Piglet--could they be any cuter?
Halloween Lesson #1 I have learned with boys--no costumes until we are walking into the party!
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