Me, Me, Me

- Stella
- Colorado, United States
- Originally from Arizona..dying to get back! Oldest of three daughters... I am a Domestic Engineer aka Mommy. Things get crazy and chaotic especially with him gone all the time...and this is my refuge. I love being home with my brood. Don't mind my complaining, it's temporary...I wouldn't have it any other way! When the spawn I call my children leave my nest, I plan on retuning to the social work field, and non-profit work.

Other Stuff

What exactly is Stuff Portrait Fridays?
Ok so I have already had to deal with those deamons once before! I just need to ask you, are you ok? I just looked over alot of the blogs that I have missed since I have been off of here and you seem angry. You have so much anger in your blogs lately it seems like, or aggrivation. Its gonna be ok Stella, we all still love ya "FUCKER"! Oh and those two gremlins do need help!! LOL
Awww they aren't bad Stella. They are just BOYS!
HAHA.... They are boys! Aren't boys fun?!!?! At least they have started to switch rolls, Devon is alot calmer now and Carson has becomw a little possesed!!!
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