Houston, We Have A Biter & Some Hot White Dudes....
Do you have a song you absolutely love? I do. I don't care if you didn't ask, I'm telling you what it is. I have a secret obsession with Air Supply, I love 70's music. Seriously......I feel all nostalgic and crap when I listen to it, I can feel myself in bell bottoms and being all groovy and shit. Then I remember I was born in 1978. My sister makes fun of me because I love these guys so much, once they were playing at a casino in the AZ and I wanted to go see them. I am still pissed that I missed the show. Air Supply rocks.
Onto a more fascinating subject....my biter. He bit me. He put his little angelic head on my shoulder so lovingly, he wanted a hug. He went in for the kill and put his little chompers into my arm. I screamed and yelled. He cried. We made up. He seriously needs to stop with the biting before I sell him.
The little Biter.
Today was Ashley's soccer ceremony, it was nice and low key. Wait, scratch that. Nothing is low key with 12 ten year olds hyped up on pizza, cake and soda. It went well, I am finding out that my kid is well liked, and that makes me happy. Poor kid has so much stuff going on this month and David is missing it all. She had her band recital yesterday, soccer ceremony today and will have her crossover ceremony next week without him too. We will memorex it for him, but it isn't the same. OK, enough boo hoo. Ashley has decided she wants to play soccer from now on, and she wants to play offense. So, I am gonna have her practice with the boys in the neighborhood, maybe they can teach her not be so afraid of the ball. We'll see.
It so needs to stop raining in Colorado, I am tired of it. Make it stop. I hate the way muddy feet make my carpet look.
Whew, you said a mouthful tonight! I feel bad but I don't even know who Air Supply is! Biting sucks. I didn't have to deal with that myself, but I feel for you. Some bites hurt way down deep and you can't rub it out (my husband has bitten me thinking he was funny and ended up leaving a bruise). Wow, Ashley is super busy! I want to see pictures of her playing soccer. Do you have any??
Oh, and send that freaking rain our way! I would love to water my trees and flowers the natural way instead of running up my water bill. :)
Sorry my delete. It came up with some weird coding. Anyways...
Ok I just watched the video. So that's who Air Supply is. I never realized that. I like this song. LOL man they sure are rocking that 80's hair!
LOL...I will get some pics up of her soccer games. She's getting good ;)
I love Air Supply!! They have alot of sappy love songs!!
Your officially gay!! I mean I am the old ass one and they go way back I think I wasn't even born when they were hot...lol.
Go Ashley, I didn't even get to see her play. Send some of that motivation my way would ya, so I can give it to my kids!!
As for the biter, it is just cause' your so dang sweet!!
Im all out of love, Im so lost without you!!!! That is one reason why I love watching The Wedding Date with Debra Messing. There are some good tunes on that film. It is ok to like gay stuff sometimes. At least you didnt have the Kelly hair!!!! Mia bites too, maybe she taught him.
*shakes head* Stella. Seriously. Air Supply?!
I agree with Georgia!! AIR SUPPLY?!
Wait, we've had this conversation before you gay ass!! NO MORE AIR SUPPLY! I'm gonna go sit on the corner and protest :P
I'm proud of Ashley, but yea she needs to not be afraid of the ball if she's wanting to play offense!
HAHAHAHA I can't stop laughing about Carson biting :) He looks so sweet and innocent in that pic
Kim is just so jealous of the Bon Jovi hair I had. I am due for a cut by the way KIM and I so might get that hair style again. Yah, so bite me!!
AHHH! Hair bands! I love them! How does the love for Air Supply compare to the love for JBJ? ;-)
I LOVE 70s music too! In college I LOVED going to Disco Inferno! We would get all dressed up! It was crazy fun!
For the biter--maybe he was just hungry...I know you never feed him...LOL!
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