Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm a Coke-Aholic

When I finally decide to turn in for the night I can never figure out why I can't sleep. Yes, I am that dense. I never realized that having a Coke before I go to bed can in fact keep me up. I toss, turn, browse the blogs, watch TV, anything that comes to mind until I get so tired that I finally doze off. I gotta stop with my Coke obsession, at least before bed. It's killing me. I wake up dragging ass and feeling like shit all day.

The weather was PERFECT today and we played outside all morning, it was great. My sod isn't looking good, I don't know what I am doing wrong? Ughhh...David will be so sad if he gets back and all the sod still looks like shit. All that hard work and money, F** better not DIE!

We are gonna start doing some scrap booking and walking this week, gonna keep ourselves busy. I mean I have a ton of must do things I should be doing. BUT, playing with the kids and doing FUN stuff sounds so much better.

FYI: Before calling the repairman about a "gas smell" make sure your 20 month old toddler hasn't turned on the burner on the stove just enough not to hear the "clicky sound" but enough to leak gas to be smelled and cause you to freak out. Repair guy was nice though, didn't make me feel like an ass ;)

Also...things aren't always what they seem. I finally talked to my neighbor. She's not a crazy bitch, but her kid is.


Sarcastic Momma said...

Nice how you throw out the crazy bitch right after meeting her, man Stella!! So walking huh? I would love to go for walks with you guys on the days I am NOT at school. I hear you on the coke habit, diet coke that is. I do the same thing. I chug it all day and can't fall asleep and then feel like crap in the morning when the kids get me up early! Nice try...gassing the kids out!

Roger That said...

Hey I can come help you save your yard, so David won't beat you ;) and your children will have lush beautiful grass to run upon. You need me help?

Roger That said...

MY help, man I can't type lately.

Oh and how do you make your post have photos? I'm having issues making Blogger do what I want it to.

Stella said...

LMAO!! Yes! I will gladly accept your help! My SOD looks like ASS!!
I will be here all week! HELLPPPPP!!!!

Stella said...

Oh, where do you wanna add photos? Into the blog posts? Or the header?

Anonymous said...

Love the new header! I need to redo mine. I have to get another program that allows me to do collages. I can't figure out how to get the stupid photo editing program I have here do it. Grrr...

What program do you use?

Stella said...'s free! Go get it!

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks for the info.

Krissi said...

Um didn't we have an issue with your stove once before?!!? LOL

You and your damn Coke, it will forever remind me of your house!

Kellybean32 said...

Her stove had caught on fire from the inside, Don't you remember that Krissi??? We were brave and fixed it....

Me, Me, Me

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Colorado, United States
Originally from Arizona..dying to get back! Oldest of three daughters... I am a Domestic Engineer aka Mommy. Things get crazy and chaotic especially with him gone all the time...and this is my refuge. I love being home with my brood. Don't mind my complaining, it's temporary...I wouldn't have it any other way! When the spawn I call my children leave my nest, I plan on retuning to the social work field, and non-profit work.

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