Got Queso?
I love queso, lots of it, on everything. I especially love Havarti, that stuff makes my mouth water. I swear I have been to every store in town and all of their Havarti tastes like ass. Not Super Target, their Havarti is heaven, pure bliss. It may add ten pounds to my fat ass, but I love Havarti. Funny from a kid who was brought up on government cheese, my mother would be so disappointed in me, eating fancy shmancy cheese out of the deli counter and everything!
David is at NTC now and I am here with my clan. We have had a few disagreements but we are working through them. Some observations since dad has been gone.
1. Yes kids, poop needs to be picked up EVERYDAY. Got it?
2. Devon it is not cool to poop and pee on the floor, if you must please use the back yard....K?
3. Carson, the word no does not constitute a full out seizure type hissy fit...shut it. Get used to "NO".
4. Your chores still need to be done even if your dad isn't here. Asses.
If any of you know my neighbor and what the fuck is up with the drama over at their place, I must know. I am going nuts. I need to know if I have any crazy fuckers living in my neighborhood. You know, so I can hang out with them :P
I thought this was a rated G site! Potty mouth :)
Yes I know, the kids so think when Daddy is gone they can do whatever they want!! Grrr. I say we force them to do ALL the chores around the house for the next week to let them see what it is WE really do in comparison to what little THEY do!!
Did you get another damn dog?! Why are the kids picking up poop that doesn't belong to Devon? haha
There aint nothin' better then some damn govt cheese woman!! Shame on you! I'm not claiming you anymore:P
You know I love me some government cheese! :P Havarti is just so yummy!!
Oh Stella and her havarti addiction! Yes-addiction because only an addict would drive all the way up to Super Target for cheese! LOL!!!
Although being a cheese loving gal myself, you can tell by the size of my ass, I understand!
LOVE THE LIST!!! I should make one although I need some more kids to write about...although my one is ENOUGH right now!
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