Newport Wench
This summer we vacationed in Arizona and California. In California we went to San Diego and Irvine. I have family in both locations. We had a blast, and I can't wait to go back. However, I came across a woman that I just wanted to cut, yes like gangster cut. I wanted to shank the bitch. Really. So, here goes my story....
We were getting gas and a suburbanite from Newport was gassing up next to us, in her cute little SUV Lexus, with her perfect hair and perfect clothes. So, someone next to her pulls up with plates from Alaska and she says to the lady "Wow, you are far from home!" the woman tells her, "Oh, we live here, we are from Alaska" the suburbanite says "The cops don't get you for having Alaska plates?" the very patient lady replies back "My husband is in the military, we don't have to get them changed, we are stationed here". And, you know what the Newport suburbanite wench says? "Ahh, special treatment for the military? That's not fair!" I thought to myself, oh my goodness that woman is gonna get her ass beat, seriously. I was scared for her for like a split second. The military wife just looked at her as if she knew already knew how clueless this woman was, and left.
I was waiting for the wench to go on about the all expense vacations the military gives to their soldiers too. You know those 15 months they get to spend in shit hole Iraq, cause they get special treatment and all.
I hate to say it, but there are people like her everywhere. I want to tell them to walk a mile in an Military families shoes and then get back to us on all the "Special Treatment" we get.
It is just a California thing, at least thats how I feel. Whenever we drive home like at Christmas...everyone ios nice and tells us how much they love the military...and then we get to CA, "what is a military discount?" seriously, people are so clueless....sometimes I hate going home.
You should have laid into her...she is a trophy wife without a brain, they are pretty clueless sometimes and it just comes off as rude.
Yes being a "single" mother of four for fifteen more months is surely a perk...what a wench! Oh and don't forget about being able to go to the commissary for our groceries...that is a major perk!! I think we should of kidnapped her and made her get her groceries there and make sure she doesn't tip so one of the baggers could kick her butt!!
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