Poop...I mean I feel like poop.
I can't sleep. It has been weeks people. I have not had a good nights worth of shut eye, so if I am commenting your blog at 3am, please shoot me an email and tell me to go the fuck to sleep. Puhlease? Thanks =)
I think I should start taking some Tylenol PM or something. I just can't hang anymore.
So, the man comes home on Friday, I can't wait. He called me a bit ago and they have totally and completely have run out of things to do, he is just now waiting to get on his flight Thursday night. At the rate things are going over there, realistically he probably wont be here until Saturday. Boo.
I have decided I can't live without a Dyson, I HAVE to have one, I NEED it. I'm gonna try to talk the man into one...maybe I will advance my birthday and Christmas?
P.S. I tried Chocolate M&M Cookie Sandwiches today, AWESOME.
First of all, the layout totally threw me off! 2ndly, Take some damn PM's and get some rest. You looked SO tired all day Saturday. You need your energy for when David gets home ;)
IS econd that. Take some PM's or some Nyquil ( that always kicks my ass). I have some good muscle relaxers if wanna gove thsoe a whirl...you fell great and very relaxed with them.... Why you gotta mention food in your blog? Now I will have to try these sandwiches. Tonight, Mike said something about slurpees, so we loaded up the kids and went to 7-11 at like 8pm....good luck with the dyson!!
First of that "DAMN DYSON", that is all I am saying. You really did look wore out this past weekend, you need to get some rest even if it is with pills. Let me know if you need any. I have some that will knock you on your ass. Krissi said it perfect, you need to get rest because you will need it this weekend with David. If not I am sure he will tire your ass out, literally.
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