I let my guard down...
Again. I let nuts into the house. He ate them. He began to swell, he went into shock and I freaked the fuck out, called 911 and we spent the night in the ER. I can't believe I slipped and he had to go through that. Poor kid. I was afraid to use his epipen, I need to be more confident when it comes to those things. I hate allergies, I hate peanut allergies. He is fine now, sleeping, he seems to have already forgotten about his near death experience.
From now on I am the fucking peanut nazi...that shit isn't coming near my kid. This was the worst reaction by far. So, if I get on your nerves with my kid's peanut issues, tough shit. **Sigh** It was a rough night in the ER, I felt so sorry for my little guy. I hope we don't ever have to go through that again, that is wishful thinking on my part....he is only 2.
Everyone was so great though...the paramedics, the ER staff, the nurses, and the doc was awesome. Absolutely wonderful. I am sorry I doubted the staff at the hospital, they were great with Devon and saved his life tonight.
I am so tired of peanuts. Tree nuts. All nuts. I worry about when he goes to school, about other children giving him peanuts. The worries never stop. Maybe I will homeschool him? Ughhh....this is making me ill. I need to go to bed. I am just glad he is ok.
You have the right to be a nut nazi!! I remember when we brought nuts into the house and he broke out. I felt SOOO Bad!!!!!! He didn't even touch or eat them. SO yea Stay on everyones ass about 'em.
I'm so happy that Evans did a great job with him. :) He's okay Stella, you can breathe now. Love you!
Thanks so much Krissi. I was really scared. The doctor says the reactions will just keep getting worse :(
Devon is going to be so happy to see you guys!!!!
John was being all emo hoping that Devon remembers him..So I refreshed his memory and told him about how excited Devon got when you were on John's myspace page. It'll be good for us to see you guys and the kids. I miss them SO much, I swear they are like my own nieces and nephews! Wow I'm being super emo today aren't I?? Eh well, all week long I keep telling John "Um, Can I ask you a question" Hahah Yep I even miss Mariah's unique personality!! :)
I'm sorry that his reactions are going to get worse. That sucks so bad. Damn the peanuts..Damn them all to HELL!!!!
It really is scary though. :(
Glad that Devin is OK. Hope there never is a next time for him. Just raise him to be aware for himself for the times your not around. Thats how Nate has been peanut free for about 3 years now! Good Luck!
Egads! I'm so sorry that happened again Stella. :(
Schools back home won't serve nuts, or anything with nuts in them-and you aren't allowed to bring nuts into the school. Are they that way on post?? And for the very reason you speak of, I will never put a PB&J sandwich in my kids lunch. :/
Poor Devon. I'm glad he is ok. Poor little man.
Hugs to both of you
Thanks John! He remembers you! :) He is gonna be so happy to see you guys, Carson loves girl babies, so we are gonna have to get him to leave Saavy alone! lol.
I am seriously thinking about getting a sign!
I made a sign at school for a little guy in Kinder that has a severe nut allergy so his teacher could put it in the window as a reminder for parents to not send anything nutty or seedy into the classroom. Make one for your door or window at home too. Poor Devin - and poor Mom! Why will it get worse as he gets older? Is that how all allergies are?
Jenn- I am so gonna be more careful!!!
Tiffany- Peanut allergies usually stick...Boo. We will always have to be careful! :( I am thinking of having a sign made!
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