I make many jokes about being a mom. I make light of how horrible they can be at times, it's how I keep my sanity. I am not a perfect mom. I yell more than I should, I forget lunch money, I have even forgotten to pick up my kid from tutoring! And.....I do sweat the small stuff. I do love them and this they know. I always say it, and they aren't afraid to say it either. Thanks little people for letting me be your mom. Even though I make mistakes, you guys still love me and treat me as if I hang the moon.
Speaking of moms, I went to get my mother a card a few days ago. They don't make cards for our type of relationship though. We had it rough when I was young. We still don't agree on many things, and memories are clouded. All of the cards I could find were sappy and ass kissyish, (it's my word, shut it) if I sent her a card like that, she'd call bullshit and it wouldn't mean anything. So, I think I am gonna go into the greeting card business, you know "real" cards, no bullshit. That's what I'll call them "No BS" they will be a hit.
My Mother's Day card would read:
I know we didn't always get along, and we didn't have a great relationship. But, as we have both matured I am happy that our relationship has improved. Even if it took me living two states away to make that happen. I love you. Thanks for keeping me alive until I left the house.
Love your daughter....the smart ass.
She would laugh. She would like the part about keeping me alive. She would probably say....if anyone was going to kill me it would have been her. Yeah, we are both aware she is not June Cleaver and I was not the perfect kid. That's how we roll though.
Happy Suckas Day to all the moms out there......cheers to never being able to completely relax until we are dead. Because God knows I haven't been able to since they were born, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love those little people who follow me.