Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I am sick, so today already sucks big balls. I hope you like my card.

Because I am a flipping genius I decided to wait until last night to run out and buy the kids their Valentine's Day cards for their classmates. I went to Wal-Mart and they were out! Not one damn box! I took my procrastinating ass over to Walgreen's and I had two choices, Bob the Builder or Barbie, I was screwed. RiahBear my 2nd grader loves Barbie aka Hooker so I was set there. However my 5th grader is way too cool for Barbie, I knew she was gonna have a shit fit, so I grabbed two boxes of Barbie cards and hoped she wouldn't notice. Pshhhhh.....little did I know that boys cannot be given Barbie Valentine's! They need their own "Boy" ones, so, I had to dig up some old Dalmatian ones I had stashed from last year, but there was a flower next to the Dalmatian, the kid was killing me!! She ended up making her own.

So, off they went with their cupcakes in hand and oh so tacky Valentine's Day greetings. I am off to battle the evil Irish Twins I call my spawn. I am hoping they give me a break today because I'm not feeling the love.

P.S. I told Loverboy I got him a card, but I didn't! I think I'll make him one, that means more anyhow doesn't it?


Tracie said...

I'm gonna show you how to make Valentines. Easy cheap ones.

I bet the kids will love them. Plus they get cup cakes. Allyson's school doesn't allow sweets. LOL.

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

love ya

Anonymous said...

Girl, handmade is ALWAYS better! Sorry you feel sick and LMAO about the boys only need manly cards. You're nicer than me - I have been known to tell my girls to accept it or else!

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Colorado, United States
Originally from Arizona..dying to get back! Oldest of three daughters... I am a Domestic Engineer aka Mommy. Things get crazy and chaotic especially with him gone all the time...and this is my refuge. I love being home with my brood. Don't mind my complaining, it's temporary...I wouldn't have it any other way! When the spawn I call my children leave my nest, I plan on retuning to the social work field, and non-profit work.

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