Crush? For reals? Ughhhh.
She has a crush. On a boy. She pretty much tells me everything, nothing is off limits in our house. Nothing. She has a question, she asks. When she does tell me something I am a bit freaked out about, I never let her see it. I am afraid she will be scared to come to me about things. So, I try to play it cool, or is it kewl? lol. She confided she had a crush today, and she is very aware of the rules. No boyfriends. She can have boys that are friends, but no boyfriends. High school is when she is allowed to have a boyfriend if that. Dad is already freaking out about the thought of that (me too). We both tell her she has plenty of time to worry about boys when she gets older, and wiser. Education is number one, I am just so afraid she will make the same mistakes I made. BLEH! I can't even imagine.
She is a really good kid, did I mention that? Total Type A personality just like her father. I told her she could have a crush on this boy and that it was perfectly normal. I also told her he was going to be the first of many crushes, but that she was much too young to think about having a boyfriend. I think this is the right thing? Am I being too rough? Geez...junior high is right around the corner!!
Do I think you are being too rough? No. Only you know your child, and only you can set the rules for your house. It is commendable that you set rules and actually stick by them. It's awesome that you guys have the type of relationship that she can come to you with anything. Dani doesn't do that with me, I have to pry things out of her sometimes. Where did I go wrong? I don't know.
You know what Stella? I wouldn't say that you made mistakes when you were younger... I made some of the same, um, choices as you did. I don't really call them mistakes... I call them choices. If I were a little more mature and wise I am sure I would have made different choices. But then I wouldn't be where I am today with the children I have today and the husband I have today. Just as you have your man and your beautiful children. Everything you did led up to you being who you are today. And I think that person is pretty cool. Or kewl. ;o)
I don't think you are being too rough. I wish I could have talked to my mom like your kids can with you.
Hugs girl. I'm so not looking forward to this with my girls.
I agree with Tiffany. Only you know your child. I had boyfriends in 5th grade and all through highschool, but my mom also gave me the birds and the bees talk in kindergarten. LOL I was very open with her like Ashley is with you and everytime I mentioned a kiss or even a hug, my mom would stay real calm and we'd have an "adult" dinner and discuss what's going on. Maybe that's why I stayed a virgin til I was 16 and in a year long relationship?? So my point here?? Just keep an open communication line between the two of you. LOL I Just hope she doesn't rebel since her parents won't let her and sneak behind your back! hahahah j/k!!
OH wait..Is this the same kid from over the summer? lol That was the cutest crush I'd ever seen!!!
Same kid...bleh. But, he's a smart nerd, rememeber? She goes for the nerds at least.
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