Garbage Pail Kids
Yes, these are my very own Garbage Pail Kids. They are gross little people. They not only shit themselves daily, and spew random messes from their mouths and walk around like cavemen, they have now reached a new level. Lucky Me.

They decided it was a good idea to get into the trash today. Well, not both of them. Devon just watched Carson like a responsible big brother. Arghhhhh......I can't even poop without these little monsters doing something bad! I have my Coffee, and I have no gift for my gift exchange. Maybe, I give one of my kids away? Hmmmmm......That's a thought.
So, off to Target I go. I heart Target. I really do.
But he's so freakin' cute how can you be upset with him?? HAHAAH
BTW Do you not remember what a big deal garbage pail kids were? So yea, your kids are just being awesome! I HEART NOT THE MAMA!!
LOL he is so cute. So cute you cant be mad.
I LOVED the Garbage Pail Kids!!! I even rented the movie about 6 months ago for my girls to watch. They totally did not get it. They watched a few minutes of it then left it. I was so disappointed.
I love the garbage pail kids!! :)
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