Oops! Naughty Drawer left open!!
I came across this while blog stalking, and couldn't stop laughing....thought I'd share!!
I came across this while blog stalking, and couldn't stop laughing....thought I'd share!!
Posted by
9:05 PM
Since I live in shit hole "Freeze your ass off Colorado" we are home bound and eating lots of junk accompanied by "The Black Dahlia" with Josh Hottnet and Scarlett Johooker. The plot is slow and dragging ass, and the acting totally stinks. Just thought I'd share.... I intended on renting "Little Miss Sunshine" because my sister told me it was fabulous and that I just had to see it. But, that little machine in the shoppette is always out of it! I even go to the one by the barracks because I figured single soldiers do not want to watch that type of movie...I guess they do.
So, being the procrastinator I am, I decided to head over to the commissary this morning to do some last minute shopping, and it was absolute madness. The line wrapped around the store, people were acting like assholes, and Loverbaby decides to throw a shit fit while we were in line because he wants to open the cinnamon rolls that need to be baked. I'm telling you...I am raising a genius.
We ate lots of junk food today......all fried. We loved it. Chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, pizza, fries. And, I didn't even feel bad about it, you know why? Cause I hate the snow. It's my way of giving the snow the bird. I hate snow.
We are working on words with the Loverbaby and Loverkid. Loverkid said apple yesterday in Safeway while we were looking for wings. Loverboy was so proud of him that he just had to go and buy him a bag of apples. Now he thinks they are all his. Seriously, AshleyBear and RiahBear wanted one when we got home......and he gave them this "Touch them and die" look and pointed his nasty germ infested finger at them and said "no". Poor kid....he thinks he is so tough. Doesn't he know his sisters could kick his ass? Does he not know he's two?
Well, he's kinda bad ass.....he did say apple.
Posted by
5:01 PM
Posted by
2:50 PM
I am so freaking crabby. I am pissed because it's already Wednesday! I am pissed because now I wish we would have gone home to visit for some of the holidays. When I say home I am referring to Arizona, Loverboy is in the Army so......wherever we are is really home. It was a tad sad this year, we had Christmas alone. Not really alone, just our little family. The last time we did that was about eight years ago!
Last night I suggested to Loverboy we go home for New Year's Eve. I don't think it's going to happen, Colorado is supposed to have another storm on Thursday morning that follows into Friday and we can't leave until Friday morning. BLAH! And, we would have to head back Tuesday, so yeah I don't think so.
Posted by
8:31 AM
I was hiding. They found me, ahhh they always do. So, I pretended they weren't there, I am talking about the "Turd Builders" that's what they are, my little darlings Loverkid and Loverbaby. I ignored them, they start crying so I figure Loverboy will come to my rescue and he does......
Loverboy: "Hey, what's going on up here?"
Me: "Well, I figured if you heard them you might get off your ass and come get them".
Loverboy: "Babe, you know I don't care when they cry".
(He uses the "Tone them out" technique)
**He then realizes they are destroying his GYM/Office....and removes them :) **
**Note to self: Letting the Turd Builders break Loverboy's things will get him off his ass***
Posted by
7:07 PM
So, Loverboy and I have been wrapping countless gifts for the little ingrates. And, yes they have made it HELL. Every five seconds...."What are you doing?"and "Can we come in?". There have been a few almost ruined surprises, but we're cool. We are almost finished! Loverboy wrapped some more gifts this morning, with his knife. He swears he has to use a knife for wrapping. Now he's gonna put up lights tonight, talk about waiting until the last minute huh?
So, I think AshleyBear knows that Santa isn't real, and I think she's afraid to tell us. Smart of her. We'll just keep pretending until she's in college or something. She got a postcard in the mail from the "North Pole" letting her know that Santa got her letter. She knows, she has to. You know how I know? RiahBear never got her postcard letting her know Santa got her letter.....so she's pretty worried. She came into the room today and you know what she told us?
RiahBear: "Mom, can you email Santa for me? He didn't get my letter, A said I could email him and he would get it".
**AshleyBear knows Santa does not have email**
Posted by
3:02 PM
Loverboy and I will have been married for twelve years on December 30th!!
(The day we got married Loverboy 18, Me 16)
We are so fucking bad ass....look at that white suit. Don Johnson ain't got nothing on my baby.
Another picture of us hot bitches....My hair? WTF was I thinking??!!
So, now that you've seen our hotness, and our keen sense of fashion...please refrain from running out and copying my updo, only few can pull that shit off. Damn...we were some stylish mofos.
Posted by
8:27 PM
Posted by
10:28 AM
Posted by
9:19 PM
Poinsettas are pretty. But, I kill everything, and you can't even tell the difference between a real one and a fake one. Actually, I have a real one too and it's still alive...weird.
So, real or fake? I can't tell.
Did you know that McDonald's closes their playland at 9:00? Yeah, we found out the hard way. We wanted a late night snack on Saturday night, so we ventured of to Mickey D's...their damn playland was closed! Loverkid threw a shitfit...because we not only unloaded him once took him in and then loaded him back up into the van....but TWICE! Yeah, he pretty much hated us. And, I hated McDonald's that night.
Blogger is acting like an idiot again. I wanted to post more pics. Sorry.
Posted by
8:10 PM
Posted by
1:08 PM
Posted by
12:46 PM
They decided it was a good idea to get into the trash today. Well, not both of them. Devon just watched Carson like a responsible big brother. Arghhhhh......I can't even poop without these little monsters doing something bad!
Anywho....today I have my Coffee, and I have no gift for my gift exchange. Maybe, I give one of my kids away? Hmmmmm......That's a thought.
Posted by
10:40 AM
I still haven't mailed my cards, taken a christmas picture or sent out gifts. I suck. I really do. What is happening to me? I have been in a Christmas Shit Funk. Can it please end? Because I usually love Christmas.
Our gate is broken at the top of the stairs...which means I have to haul ass everytime Carson is upstairs because he thinks he is grown and can get down on his own, and up on his own. NOT.
This is my little genius right before he bites the big one. He really didn't bite it, dad caught him.
Another item I must purchase.....a damn gate. I LOVE shopping, just not for a gate I wont need in 6 months.
So, here I am blogging instead of writing out Christmas cards. Call me Scrooge that is what I feel like this year.
I wanna bitch about something, but I wont. I think I am a pretty good person, and don't get all nuts over petty shit. I really don't. Bleh....verbal diarrhea. I wont do it. But, I am pissed.
**Edited** I am no longer pissed. I feel better now. Merry Christmas!!
Posted by
8:44 AM
Ok, so it's been a while since I partied. We had a long week. My house is trashed, and needs major work. But, I had fun!! We had a Gift Exchange at a friends party....and David got a "Ex-Wife" pic...that was funny, you had to be there. I double booked us that night...so we left the party early. BOO! Then we headed over to another shindig, and David did some karaoke...not pretty. But, I was glad he had a good time, he needed it.
I need to find Buzz Lightyear...Toys R' Us here I come.
Posted by
11:02 PM
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