We Partied Like It Was 1999
So we partied........
As hard as we could for a first birthday. We had cake, ice cream, pizza, and even some hot wings. With our dinner of champions we consumed too many carbonated beverages full of caffeine. The kids played, the adults sat around an chatted. It was good times.
I did discover that I am making my son neurotic. You see, I have four children, two of those said children are under the age of two, and 11 months apart. Oh yeah.....I am crazy. Certifiably. So, I have to stay on top of my house and if you know me well you have seen me cleaning on occassion. I am always cleaning. I have rules, like no red drinks, no food in the living room, and no dye on cakes in the house. Have you ever tried to get that dye they put on cakes out of carpet? NO FUN. So, in turn I guess I'm no fun? I am really. I just like my house neat.

Well, I'm rambling now. Where was I? Oh, Carson my son.....HE hated the cake! He was upset that his hands were dirty, he didn't like it one bit. So, we cut that part short and he wasn't interested at all in any gifts. He's one, so I guess he'll grow into it. We taped this all for my husand because he is not in country. Grrrr.......another experience he will have to experience memorexed.
1 comment:
Awww it was fun hanging out for Carsons birthday. It was SOOO funny that he was all OCD about the cake. He sure hated being dirty didn't he?? Weird ass kids you have!! Just kidding, you know I love them just as much as I luff YOU!!!
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