Monday, January 14, 2008

I tried...

I really tried to give you one last chance blogger, but seriously you suck. Big time. I hate you blogger. I am off to wordpress.


Kids Picures 042

He loves this stuff. He is so weird, weird, weird! And he loves olives too! And carrots and tomatoes, and even peas and green beans!

Stella's XMAS PICS 002

Did I mention he also likes to pick his toe ick too?

Happy Birthday Mariah!

Kids Picures 013

Kids Picures 017

Mariah is 9 years old now! She is such a special little girl, unique and beautiful. She wanted pink streaks in her hair for her birthday, I let her have two of them. You can see them a tiny bit in the pic. She got her n*intendo ds, a girly pink one, and tons of other stuff then we took her to dinner. She had a great birthday, despite daddy being gone. She was a tiny bit bummed because the following day Tia Linda was going back home to Arizona. I told her that this summer if she and Ashley were up to the task of flying home, they could go and visit together. We shall see what they decide.

I miss my sister too, she was such a big help and it kept me from being so lonely. But, I suppose I will put on my "big girl panties" and roll with it. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"Focus on the family Light"

I was on Coffee Talk the other night (one of my favorite sites) and she asked all us democrats to tell her a bit about John Edwards, and all I knew about the guy was his wife and her ordeal. Why don't I know more about this guy? Hmpf.
I asked one of my friends and she said "Well, he's kinda like Focus on the Family Light"....I am off to research.

BTW- Booyah, I used the elliptical tonight for a whole three minutes (zip it, I know very SAD!), but by the end of the month I plan on having my big ol' butt on that thing for a good half hour with no stops.

Mariah's birthday is on Friday, I am taking a cake and per school policy it must be store bought and no dark colored icing. Thank goodness! I am going to be on the prowl for a pretty cake with yellow icing. Yellow is pretty!

Good night daddy....

He recorded stories for them before he left, I am glad he did.

Although it is very sad. It's starting to get crappy, real fast. Ughhh.


Yeah, I am starting to get crows feet, and I see more wrinkles. It is really bothering me, like alot. I need to go buy some good stuff so I'm not looking all haggard. Anyone have any suggestions?

Monday, January 07, 2008

Miss you...

Missing him like crazy, about time. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me, or us. I feel much better now that I am miserable. Weird, I know.

My brain is all jumbled and confused.

You know what Carson is mom?

So, Mariah informs me that her little brother Carson is:

"You know mom, that donkey, except he's the bad word donkey, you know the one that is spelled J-A-C-K-A-S-S, I have to spell it for you mom, because it's a bad word and you'll get mad".

She says this after he refuses to say "hi" to daddy on a video we are sending him.

Picture 086
The alleged you know...donkey.

Well, I suppose I will look on the bright side and be happy that her spelling is improving.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Getting back into the swing of things

Christmas is over, New Year has begun, I can now get on with this damn year. Tomorrow I have a meeting and the rest of the week I am a busy girl. I need to stay busy, not too busy though. I have meetings, luncheons, play dates, and even some gym time. I was contemplating finishing up some classes this year, but I have decided to put it off. I will do it when the man is home. The kids need one parent here, while he is in Iraq, I can't fathom being too busy for them.

It snowed today, so the kids went sledding. Devon bit it, and he cried and cried, but he's a toughie so he got over it quickly. We did get it on video though! (Which he later erased after watching it a million times)I was webcamming with David at the time, so I played it for him, it was too funny we all laughed...even Devon.

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He and Ashley climbing the hill, there was barely any snow on the ground and they still managed to go sledding! Weirdos!

Picture 010

My picture really sucks, proof that just because you go out and buy a canon, does not mean your pictures will kick ass. I need some photography skills and to read my manual.

Me, Me, Me

My photo
Colorado, United States
Originally from Arizona..dying to get back! Oldest of three daughters... I am a Domestic Engineer aka Mommy. Things get crazy and chaotic especially with him gone all the time...and this is my refuge. I love being home with my brood. Don't mind my complaining, it's temporary...I wouldn't have it any other way! When the spawn I call my children leave my nest, I plan on retuning to the social work field, and non-profit work.

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