I read lots o' blogs. When my boys are napping, I read..I love it. What I don't love is the intolerance of people. Certain things aren't for everyone, but when someone doesn't like what you do? Who cares. To breastfeed, to not breastfeed, to use cloth or disposable, to spank or not. Geeeeeez, Louise, give me a break please ladies!
If I wanna breastfeed or not, it's my business NOT yours. If I want to use disposable diapers, again MY Business (If I had the patience and time I would love to use cloth, but alas I don't). There are pros and cons to many issues in regards to raising children. I don't spank, but I would never, EVER look down on a fellow parent who chose to discipline their children with spanking. There is a difference between spanking and beating a kid.
I also hate the "Jane" blogs. The women who have perfect children, children who don't ever give them issues. Did I miss good kid day? I have experienced all of the frustrations of being a mom, I love my kids dearly and wouldn't change a thing. I have my good days and my bad days. Lately it feels like I have more bad than good. If you read my blog, please don't confuse my frustrations of raising four children as not loving my children. I love being a mom, but I believe that being a mom affords me the luxury of being honest about my experiences.
I am a good mom, I am not perfect. I don't have perfect children. I have happy children. That's what matters to me.
Riah starts soccer today! So, wish her luck. We are off.