Monday, April 30, 2007

Anyone who knows me...knows that I move my house around alot. All the time. I love to do it. My hubby on the other hand absolutely hates this about me. I like to decorate and move my furniture around. Well, about two weeks ago I decided I no longer wanted the playroom downstairs, I wanted to move it upstairs. So, we did it. However......I didn't have a way to watch the hellions from downstairs. Problemo solved, my hubby is the best. He bought me this. I just need to order an additional camera and I can watch them in their bedroom too.

Ashley had her skate party and slumber party this weekend, I am totally pooped. Pre-teen girls are nuts. They are so dramatic, I now see that the drama starts way early. They ate tons of junk, stayed up way too late, and were calling boys at four in the morning! They all have cell phones! Ashley does have a phone and we thought it was a rarity....but nope ALL of these chicks have phones!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Feliz Cumpleanos Mamacita!

Happy Birthday Ashley!

I can't believe she is already eleven! Geez.....I was only five years older than her when I got knocked up with her. YES...I was already married. That's a whole other blog though, not even a blog a damn book. When I was pregnant with her I had no idea what I was doing. None. Nada. Zilch. I just knew I loved her and her daddy and I guess that was enough. We were so po', like really po'. We didn't know it then, I guess that's real happiness. When being poor isn't such a big deal cause you're happy.

She's such a good kid, other than the normal eleven year old "I know everything" attitude.
We are off to deliver cupcakes, go to soccer practice, attend an FRG meeting and blow out some birthday candles!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lover Baby

Yes, he is very talented. He can do many things. But, he cannot however stop shitting his pants.

I love this little guy.

Father & Daughter Dance

Dads are special dudes and I think they can make a big difference in a little girls life. My dad sucked, he still sucks. This is why this means so much to me. They went to "The Father & Daughter Dance" and they had a killer time. They danced and ate, and came home pooped.

Ashley is at an age where she needs both of us, especially dad. He's doing a great job of showing her how men should treat women.
I hope she remembers. I love the relationship they have with their father, I guess I kinda live vicariously through it.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


So, today totally blew. It snowed again, and it will probably tomorrow as well. Bleh.

But, my sister called me this week and told me she got into a program she really wanted to get into. She is currently a second grade teacher (I don't know how in the hell she does it!) But, she is now going to be a librarian, full scholarship and it will take her a year. She rocks. She sent me some pictures today and Riah Bear cried and said she missed her. I miss her too.

This is my sister the Belly Dancing Queen....

I gots me a jobby job! I am gonna deliver newspapers on post! And make a really good wage for 3 hours worth of work per week! YES! I start in July and I am excited, yes I am very weird.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My monthly rant....

15 month deployments? Are they kidding? Fuck them. Don't they know how hard 12 months is on families? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on Mr. Gates. Assholes.

I am very angry, David is getting out. This is bullshit.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Satellite Radio & Easter

I love satellite radio, I am not sure how I lived without it until yesterday. David bought us a new car this weekend and it has it! The only thing I absolutely hate about it is it has RADIO FUCKING DISNEY! Every five minutes the kids want to listen to that crap......I hate it. But, I love satellite radio, so many choices! I love it. It's free now, but when it runs out I may just have to order.

I am going to be sad tomorrow when he takes the new toy and I have no satellite radio in my ride. Boo.

Colorado officially sucks, we had to do our Easter egg hunt in the house because Colorado is frozen, and it snowed today. Bleh, at least I didn't have to make Easter dinner, we went out!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

"I just like fish"...

That is what I should have said to the guy at Micky D's yesterday, but I didn't. I wanted him to think I was a God fearing, obedient, good catholic. Yesterday David was off and we took the boys to play at Micky D's and have some lunch. I decided to have a Filet o' Fish not because it was Good Friday, and not because of lent. But, because I like fish. The Hispanic cashier must have been catholic because he said to me in his best English "Jew can't have beef, so jew get da fish, is almost over". I smiled and explained that my husband wasn't Catholic so I had to order him a double cheeseburger. Why do I care what he thinks of me? I am in fact catholic. I struggle with the beliefs of Catholicism all the time, hence why I haven't been to church since I left Arizona last summer. I don't agree with many of their views, but with all religions there is something I don't agree with. I didn't follow lent this year and the kids haven't been back to CCD. I need to go back, I know there are many things I don't understand about religion and God, but I do know I need both in my life.

So, God I didn't have the Filet O' Fish because of Lent, I just had it because I like fish. I never liked the idea of confessing my sins to anyone but you anyhow....


Great Story

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Heartless People.

Wow...People really suck MEAN FUCKERS. There are exceptions, dammit why do some people have to be so damn mean? They must be fucking republicans...**Snicker, Snicker**

Geez..I know people, I know both parties can be equally shitty.

How can people be mean to kids? The poor kid's mom is a drug addict, grandparents are forced to take care of a kid once again, their damn house can't sell. Gee, I wonder why? I wouldn't want those fucking sharks as my neighbors. And, since the house hasn't sold, they just want to kick them out? Come on people, have a heart.


I am going nana's....We have too much shit!

I have so much crap! I love to shop, shopping is the demise of the clean, simple house I so want to be the proud owner of. Tis' the season of Yard Sales! But, there is another problemo....I am the Yard Sale Queen. I love yard sales, my fondest memories as a child almost always are at a Yard Sale. My mom was a single mother most of our childhood so we made ends meet, and I didn't mind. Heck, I don't need to go to yard sales now, but I LOVE them! I can't stop, it's like an addiction. Actually, I do NEED to go...

Ok, enough about my obsession. I am going to get rid of so much stuff this weekend, and I am NOT going to go to a single sale. I mean how much stuff do I really need?

BTW- I have topsoil now, and maybe we'll be able to grow some damn grass in this yard. It is ugly and pathetic I tell ya.....

Oh, and Colorado weather sucks major ass, I need to go home to AZ. Anyone feel like going to AZ?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Soccer & Being a Mom

I read lots o' blogs. When my boys are napping, I read..I love it. What I don't love is the intolerance of people. Certain things aren't for everyone, but when someone doesn't like what you do? Who cares. To breastfeed, to not breastfeed, to use cloth or disposable, to spank or not. Geeeeeez, Louise, give me a break please ladies!

If I wanna breastfeed or not, it's my business NOT yours. If I want to use disposable diapers, again MY Business (If I had the patience and time I would love to use cloth, but alas I don't). There are pros and cons to many issues in regards to raising children. I don't spank, but I would never, EVER look down on a fellow parent who chose to discipline their children with spanking. There is a difference between spanking and beating a kid.

I also hate the "Jane" blogs. The women who have perfect children, children who don't ever give them issues. Did I miss good kid day? I have experienced all of the frustrations of being a mom, I love my kids dearly and wouldn't change a thing. I have my good days and my bad days. Lately it feels like I have more bad than good. If you read my blog, please don't confuse my frustrations of raising four children as not loving my children. I love being a mom, but I believe that being a mom affords me the luxury of being honest about my experiences.

I am a good mom, I am not perfect. I don't have perfect children. I have happy children. That's what matters to me.

Riah starts soccer today! So, wish her luck. We are off.

Me, Me, Me

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Colorado, United States
Originally from Arizona..dying to get back! Oldest of three daughters... I am a Domestic Engineer aka Mommy. Things get crazy and chaotic especially with him gone all the time...and this is my refuge. I love being home with my brood. Don't mind my complaining, it's temporary...I wouldn't have it any other way! When the spawn I call my children leave my nest, I plan on retuning to the social work field, and non-profit work.

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